project displaying a beautifully finished concrete floor.

The Location

At The Well, a restaurant in Dandenong South, Melbourne.

The Objective

ConcreteFX was asked to step in when other contractors were falling behind on schedule during the first stage of construction. Tilt panel walls needed to be polished prior to their installation, but the polishing process was taking a lot longer than anticipated. The client was also interested in polished concrete floors for a unique flooring solution.

The Process

ConcreteFX was able to come in and complete all polishing works so the deadline could be met. As a result, we were asked to return and complete work for internal polished concrete floors.

We used our arsenal of machinery to complete the polishing works on all tilt panels. We had the bonus of being able to polish the panels on location at the panel factory, using in-house cranes to move the panels and make polishing that little bit easier. The polished concrete flooring was completed under even less stress, as the project was well managed and staged.

The Result

Our client was extremely satisfied with the results. They love the final finish and appreciate that the panel polishing and concrete floor polishing was complete in a very short time frame. Thus, allowing for the deadline to be met.

To learn more about how ConcreteFX can assist with polished concrete floors and other tasks in Melbourne, contact us today.